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# B. Joffroy, Y.O. Uca, D. Prešern, J.P.K. Doye and T.L. Schmidt, ''Nucl. Acids Res.'' accepted
# B. Joffroy, Y.O. Uca, D. Prešern, J.P.K. Doye and T.L. Schmidt, ''Nucl. Acids Res.'' accepted
#: Template length-dependenct amplification bias in rolling circle amplification
#: Template length-dependenct amplification bias in rolling circle amplification
#P. Fonseca, F. Romano, J. S. Schreck, T.E. Ouldridge, J.P.K. Doye and A.A. Louis, submitted
#: Multi-scale coarse-graining for the study of assembly pathways in DNA-brick self assembly ([ arXiv])

Revision as of 01:28, 9 December 2017

  1. T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis and J. P. K. Doye, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 178101 (2010)
    DNA Nanotweezers Studied with a Coarse-Grained Model of DNA (arXiv)
  2. T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis and J. P. K. Doye, J. Chem. Phys, 134, 085101 (2011)
    Structural, mechanical and thermodynamic properties of a coarse-grained DNA model (arXiv)
  3. T. E. Ouldridge, D.Phil. Thesis, University of Oxford, 2011.
    Coarse-grained modelling of DNA and DNA self-assembly
  4. F. Romano, A. Hudson, J. P. K. Doye, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, J. Chem. Phys. 136, 215102 (2012)
    The effect of topology on the structure and free energy landscape of DNA kissing complexes (arXiv)
  5. C. De Michele, L. Rovigatti, T. Bellini, F. Sciortino, Soft Matter 8, 8388 (2012)
    Self-assembly of short DNA duplexes: from a coarse-grained model to experiments through a theoretical link (arXiv)
  6. C. Matek, T. E. Ouldridge, A. Levy, J. P. K. Doye, A. A. Louis, J. Phys. Chem. B 116, 1161-11625 (2012)
    DNA cruciform arms nucleate through a correlated but non-synchronous cooperative mechanism (arXiv)
  7. P. Šulc, F. Romano, T. E. Ouldridge, L. Rovigatti, J. P. K. Doye, A. A. Louis, J. Chem. Phys. 137, 135101 (2012)
    Sequence-dependent thermodynamics of a coarse-grained DNA model (arxiv)
  8. F. Romano, D. Chakraborty, J. P. K. Doye, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, J. Chem. Phys. 138, 085101 (2013)
    Coarse-grained simulations of DNA overstretching (arXiv)
  9. T. E. Ouldridge, R. L. Hoare, A. A. Louis, J. P. K. Doye, J. Bath, A. J. Turberfield, ACS Nano 7, 2479-2490 (2013)
    Optimizing DNA nanotechnology through coarse-grained modelling: a two-footed DNA walker
  10. T. E. Ouldridge, P. Šulc, F. Romano, J. P. K. Doye, A. A. Louis, Nucleic Acids Res. 41, 8886-8895 (2013)
    DNA hybridization kinetics: zippering, internal displacement and sequence dependence (arXiv)
  11. J.P.K. Doye, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, F. Romano, P. Šulc, C. Matek, B.E.K. Snodin, L. Rovigatti, J. S. Schreck, R.M. Harrison, W.P.J. Smith, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys 15, 20395-20414 (2013)
    Coarse-graining DNA for simulations of DNA nanotechnology (arXiv)
  12. N. Srinivas, T. E. Ouldridge, P. Šulc, J. M. Schaeffer, B. Yurke, A. A. Louis, J. P. K. Doye, E. Winfree, Nucleic Acids Res. 41, 10641-10658 (2013)
    On the biophysics and kinetics of toehold-mediated DNA strand displacement
  13. P. Šulc, T. E. Ouldridge, F. Romano, J. P. K. Doye, A. A. Louis, Natural Computing 13, 535 (2014)
    Simulating a burnt-bridges DNA motor with a coarse-grained DNA model (arXiv)
  14. L. Rovigatti, F. Bomboi, F. Sciortino, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 154903 (2014)
    Accurate phase diagram of tetravalent DNA nanostars (arXiv)
  15. P. Šulc, F. Romano, T. E. Ouldridge, J. P. K. Doye, A. A. Louis, J. Chem. Phys. 140, 235102 (2014)
    A nucleotide-level coarse-grained model of RNA (arXiv)
  16. L. Rovigatti, F. Smallenburg, F. Romano, F. Sciortino, ACS Nano 8, 3567-3574 (2014)
    Gels of DNA Nanostars Never Crystallise
  17. Q. Wang, B. M. Pettitt, Biophys. J. 106, 1182–1193 (2014)
    Modeling DNA Thermodynamics under Torsional Stress
  18. J. S. Schreck, T. E. Ouldridge, F. Romano, P. Šulc, L. Shaw, A. A. Louis, J.P.K. Doye, Nucleic Acids Res. 43, 6181-6190 (2014)
    DNA hairpins primarily promote duplex melting rather than inhibiting hybridization (arXiv)
  19. R. Machinek, T.E. Ouldridge, N.E.C. Haley, J. Bath, A. J. Turberfield, Nature Comm. 5, 5324 (2014)
    Programmable energy landscapes for kinetic control of DNA strand displacement
  20. M. Mosayebi, F. Romano, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, J. P. K. Doye, J. Phys. Chem. B 118, 14326-14335 (2014)
    The role of loop stacking in the dynamics of DNA hairpin formation (arXiv)
  21. I. Y. Loh, J.Cheng, S. R. Tee, A. Efremov, and Z. Wang, ACS Nano 8, 10293–10304 (2014)
    From bistate molecular switches to self-directed track-walking nanomotors
  22. C. Matek, T. E. Ouldridge, J. P. K. Doye, A. A. Louis, Sci. Rep., 5, 7655 (2015)
    Plectoneme tip bubbles: Coupled denaturation and writhing in supercoiled DNA (arXiv)
  23. L. Rovigatti, P. Šulc, I. Reguly, F. Romano, J. Comput. Chem., 36, 1-8 (2015)
    A comparison between parallelization approaches in molecular dynamics simulations on GPUs (arXiv)
  24. P. Krstić, B. Ashcroft and S. Lindsay, Nanotechnology, 26, 084001 (2015)
    Physical model for recognition tunneling
  25. F. Romano and F. Sciortino, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 078104 (2015)
    Switching Bonds in a DNA Gel: An All-DNA Vitrimer
  26. J. S. Schreck, T. E. Ouldridge, F. Romano, A. A. Louis, J.P.K. Doye, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 165101 (2015)
    Characterizing the bending and flexibility induced by bulges in DNA duplexes (arXiv)
  27. M. Mosayebi, A. A. Louis, J.P.K. Doye, T. E. Ouldridge ACS Nano 9, 11993 (2015)
    Force-Induced Rupture of a DNA Duplex: From Fundamentals to Force Sensors (arXiv)
  28. T. E. Ouldridge, Mol. Phys. 113, 1-15 (2015)
    DNA nanotechnology: understanding and optimisation through simulation (arXiv)
  29. P. Šulc, T. E. Ouldridge, F. Romano, J.P.K. Doye, A. A. Louis, Biophys. J. 108, 1238-1247 (2015)
    Modelling toehold-mediated RNA strand displacement (arXiv)
  30. B. E. K. Snodin, F. Randisi, M. Mosayebi, P. Šulc, J. S. Schreck, F. Romano, T. E. Ouldridge, R. Tsukanov, E. Nir, A. A. Louis, J. P. K. Doye, J. Chem. Phys. 142, 234901 (2015)
    Introducing Improved Structural Properties and Salt Dependence into a Coarse-Grained Model of DNA (arXiv)
  31. C. Matek, P. Šulc, F. Randisi, J.P.K. Doye, A. A. Louis, J. Chem. Phys. 143, 243122 (2015)
    Coarse-grained modelling of supercoiled RNA (arXiv)
  32. Q. Wang, C.G. Myers, and B.M. Pettitt, J. Phys. Chem. B 119, 4937–4943 (2015)
    Twist-induced defects of the P-SSP7 genome revealed by modeling the cryo-EM density
  33. R. M. Harrison, F. Romano, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, J.P.K. Doye, arXiv (2015)
    Coarse-grained modelling of strong DNA bending I: Thermodynamics and comparison to an experimental "molecular vice"
  34. R. M. Harrison, F. Romano, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, J.P.K. Doye, arXiv (2015)
    Coarse-grained modelling of strong DNA bending II: Cyclization
  35. J. Y. Lee, T. Terakawa, Z. Qi, J. B. Steinfeld, S. Redding, Y. Kwon, W. A. Gaines, W. Zhao, P. Sung, E. C. Greene, Science 349, 977-981 (2015)
    Base triplet stepping by the Rad51/RecA family of recombinases
  36. B. E. K. Snodin, F. Romano, L. Rovigatti, T. E. Ouldridge, A. A. Louis, J. P. K. Doye, ACS Nano 10, 1724-1737 (2016)
    Direct Simulation of the Self-Assembly of a Small DNA Origami
  37. V. Kočar, J. S. Schreck, S. Čeru, H. Gradišar, N. Bašić, T. Pisanski, J. P. K. Doye, and R. Jerala, Nat. Commun. 7, 10803 (2016)
    Design principles for rapid folding of knotted DNA nanostructures
  38. J. S. Schreck, F. Romano, M.H. Zimmer, A.A. Louis and J.P.K. Doye, ACS Nano, 10, 4236-4247 (2016)
    Characterizing DNA star-tile-based nanostructures using a coarse-grained model
  39. M. Liu, J. Cheng, S.R. Tee, S. Sreelatha, I.Y. Loh, and Z. Wang, ACS Nano, 10, 5882–5890 (2016)
    Biomimetic autonomous enzymatic nanowalker of high fuel efficiency
  40. J. Fernandez-Castanon, F. Bomboi, L. Rovigatti, M. Zanatta, A. Paciaroni, J. Chem. Phys. 145, 084910 (2016)
    Small-angle neutron scattering and molecular dynamics structural study of gelling DNA nanostars
  41. T. Sutthibutpong, C. Matek, C. Benham, G.G. Slade, A. Noy, C. Laughton, J.P.K. Doye, A.A. Louis and S.A. Harris, Nucl. Acids Res. 44, 9121-9130 (2016)
    Long-range correlations in the mechanics of small DNA circles under topological stress revealed by multi-scale simulation
  42. Q. Wang and B.M. Pettitt, J. Phys. Chem. Lett 7, 1042–1046 (2016)
    Sequence affects the cyclization of DNA minicircles
  43. A. Reinhardt, J.S. Schreck, F. Romano and J.P.K. Doye, J. Phys: Condens. Matter, 29, 014006 (2017).
    Self-assembly of two-dimensional binary quasicrystals: A possible route to a DNA quasicrystal (arXiv)
  44. E. Locatelli, P. H. Handle, C. N. Likos, F. Sciortino and L. Rovigatti, ACS Nano, 11, 2094-2102 (2017)
    Condensation and demixing in solutions of DNA nanostars and their mixtures
  45. E. Skoruppa, M. Laleman, S. Nomidis, E. Carlon, J. Chem. Phys, 146, 214902 (2017)
    DNA elasticity from coarse-grained simulations: the effect of groove asymmetry (arXiv)
  46. A. Suma and C. Micheletti, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 114, E2991–E2997 (2017)
    Pore translocation of knotted DNA rings
  47. Z. Shi, C. E. Castro and G. Arya, ACS Nano, 11, 4617–4630 (2017)
    Conformational dynamics of mechanically compliant DNA nanostructures from coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations
  48. H. Yagyu, J.-Y. Lee, D.-N. Kim, and O. Tabata, J. Phys. Chem. B, 121 5033–5039 (2017)
    Coarse-grained molecular dynamics model of double-stranded DNA for DNA nanostructure design
  49. S. Vangaveti, R. J. D'Esposito, J. L. Lippens, D. Fabris and S. V. Ranganathan, Phys. Chem. Chem Phys, 19, 14937-14946 (2017)
    A coarse-grained model for assisting the investigation of structure and dynamics of large nucleic acids by ion mobility spectrometry–mass spectrometry
  50. R. Sharma, J. S. Schreck, F. Romano, A.A. Louis and J.P.K. Doye, ACS Nano, 11, article ASAP (2017)
    Characterizing the motion of jointed DNA nanostructures using a coarse-grained model
  51. B. Joffroy, Y.O. Uca, D. Prešern, J.P.K. Doye and T.L. Schmidt, Nucl. Acids Res. accepted
    Template length-dependenct amplification bias in rolling circle amplification
  52. P. Fonseca, F. Romano, J. S. Schreck, T.E. Ouldridge, J.P.K. Doye and A.A. Louis, submitted
    Multi-scale coarse-graining for the study of assembly pathways in DNA-brick self assembly (arXiv)