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==Compile options==
==Compile options==

Compiling oxDNA requires that you change the first rows in the makefile to match your machine configuration. The following parameters can be passed to make:
Compiling oxDNA requires that you have a working <tt>cmake</tt> software and C++ compiler on your machine. The instructions are provided in the [[Download and Installation]] section.
*'''dbg=1''' oxDNA will be compiled with debug flags (both for nvcc and gcc). The resulting executable will be put in the Debug directory.
*'''g=1''' oxDNA will be compiled with both debug and optimization flags. The resulting executable will be put in the Release directory.
*'''intel=1''' oxDNA will be compiled using the Intel icpc compiler. The resulting executable will be named oxDNA_intel.

Line 16: Line 12:

As always in UNIX environments, everything is case sensitive.
As always in UNIX environments, everything is case sensitive.
The options are in the form key = value. There can be arbitrary spaces before and after both key and value. Line with a leading # will be treated as comments.
In this part | (pipe) is the separator between the different values that can be used to specify a value for the key.
*Options are in the form key = value
Keys between [ and ] are optional, the value after the equal sign is the default value.
*There can be arbitrary spaces before and after both key and value
*Line with a leading # will be treated as comments
*The | (pipe) sign is the separator between the different values that can be used to specify a value for the key.
*Keys between [ and ] are optional, the value after the equal sign is the default value
Here we provide a list of the most commonly used input options. The complete and most up-to-date list of possible options can be found [[Input_options|here]] or in the <tt>README</tt> file in the main directory of the simulation code.
The input options of the previous oxDNA version can be found [[Input_options_of_the_previous_version|here]].

===Generic options===
===Generic options===
The options listed here define the generic behavior of the entire program.
The options listed here define the generic behavior of the entire program.
;[sim_type=MD]: MD|MC
;[interaction_type = DNA]: DNA|DNA2|RNA|patchy|LJ
:MD = Molecular Dynamics, MC = Monte Carlo
: (selects the model for the simulation. DNA ([[DNA_model_introduction|oxDNA model]]) is the default option. DNA2 ([[DNA_model_introduction#oxDNA2|oxDNA2 model]]), RNA ([[RNA_model_introduction|oxRNA model]]), LJ (Lennard-Jones) and patchy particles are also implemented
;backend: CPU
;[sim_type=MD]: MD|MC|VMMC
;backend_precision: float|double
:MD = Molecular Dynamics, MC = Monte Carlo, VMMC = Virtual Move Monte Carlo
;backend: CPU | CUDA
: (only sim_type=MD is supported if you choose CUDA backend)
;backend_precision: float|double|mixed
: (mixed option is available only for CUDA backend. It is recommended choice for optimal performance on CUDA machines, double is recommended for CPU simulations)
;[debug=0]: 0|1
;[debug=0]: 0|1
: 1 if you want verbose logs, 0 otherwise.
: 1 if you want verbose logs, 0 otherwise.
Line 62: Line 69:
;[fix_diffusion=1]: 0|1
:If true, particles that leave the simulation box are brought back in via periodic boundary conditions. Defaults to true.
;verlet_skin: if a particle moves more than verlet_skin then the lists will be updated. Its name is somewhat misleading: the actual verlet skin is 2*verlet_skin.
;verlet_skin: if a particle moves more than verlet_skin then the lists will be updated. Its name is somewhat misleading: the actual verlet skin is 2*verlet_skin.
;[back_in_box=0]: 0|1
whether particles should be brought back into the box when a configuration is printed or not, defaults to false
;salt_concentration: used if interaction_type = DNA2. It specifies the salt concentration in M.
;[use_average_seq=1]: 0|1
;[use_average_seq=1]: 0|1
: specifies whether to use the default hard-coded average parameters for base-pairing and stacking interaction strengths or not. If sequence dependence is to be used, set this to 0 and specify seq_dep_file.
: specifies whether to use the default hard-coded average parameters for base-pairing and stacking interaction strengths or not. If sequence dependence is to be used, set this to 0 and specify seq_dep_file.
Line 85: Line 98:
;dt: time step of the integration.
;dt: time step of the integration.

;thermostat: no|refresh|john
;thermostat: no|refresh|brownian
:no means no thermostat will be used. refresh will refresh all the particle's velocities from a maxwellian every newtonian_steps steps. john is an Anderson-like thermostat (see pt). Make sure you read [[Thermostat|thermostat]].
:no means no thermostat will be used. refresh will refresh all the particle's velocities from a maxwellian every newtonian_steps steps. john is an Anderson-like thermostat (see pt). Make sure you read [[Thermostat|thermostat]].

Line 121: Line 134:
;[lastconf_file=last_conf.dat]: this is the file where the last configuration is saved (when the program finishes or is killed). Set to last_conf.dat by default
;[lastconf_file=last_conf.dat]: this is the file where the last configuration is saved (when the program finishes or is killed). Set to last_conf.dat by default
;[lastconf_file_bin]: path to the file where the last configuration will be printed in binary format, if not specified no binary configurations will be printed.
;[binary_initial_conf=0]: 0|1
whether the initial configuration is a binary configuration or not

;[refresh_vel=0]: 0|1
;[refresh_vel=0]: 0|1
Line 135: Line 153:
:using linear configurations will be saved every print_conf_interval.
:using linear configurations will be saved every print_conf_interval.
:using log_lin configurations will be saved logarithmically for print_conf_ppc times. After that the logarithmic sequence will restart.
:using log_lin configurations will be saved logarithmically for print_conf_ppc times. After that the logarithmic sequence will restart.
; [print_conf_ppc times]:
mandatory only if time_scale == log_line. This is the number of printed configurations in a single logarithmic cycle.
;print_conf_interval: linear interval if time_scale == linear. First step of the logarithmic scale if time_scale == log_lin.
;print_conf_interval: linear interval if time_scale == linear. First step of the logarithmic scale if time_scale == log_lin.
;print_conf_ppc: used if time_scale == log_lin
:points per logarithmic cycle.
;[print_reduced_conf_every=0]: every print_reduced_conf_every steps the program will print out the reduced configurations (i.e. confs containing only the centers of mass of strands).
;[print_reduced_conf_every=0]: every print_reduced_conf_every steps the program will print out the reduced configurations (i.e. confs containing only the centers of mass of strands).
Line 147: Line 165:
;[log_file=stderr]: file where generic and debug informations will be logged. If not specified then stderr will be used.
;[log_file=stderr]: file where generic and debug informations will be logged. If not specified then stderr will be used.
;[print_timings=0]: 0|1
:if 1 the MD step timing have be printed to a file.
;timings_filename: used if print_timings == 1
:output file where the MD step timing will be appended to.

;[print_timings = 0]: 0|1
whether oxDNA should print out to a file performance timings at the end of the simulation or not.
;[timings_filename]: path to the file where timings will be printed
;[output_prefix]: the name of all output files will be preceded by this prefix, defaults to an empty string
;[print_input = 0]: 0|1
make oxDNA write the input key=value pairs used by the simulation in a file named, with pid being the oxDNA pid.
;[equilibration_steps]: number of equilibration steps. During equilibration, oxDNA does not generate any output. Defaults to 0
==Output files==
==Output files==
*The log file contains all relevant informations about the simulation (specified options, activated external forces, warnings about misconfiguratios, critical errors, etc.). If the log file is omitted, all these informations will be displayed on the standard output.
*The log file contains all the relevant information about the simulation (specified options, activated external forces, warnings about misconfigurations, critical errors, etc.). If the log file is omitted, all this information will be displayed on the standard output.

*The energy file layout for MD simulations is
*The energy file layout for MD simulations is

| time
| [time (steps * dt)]
| potential energy
| [potential energy]
| kinetic energy
| [kinetic energy]
| total energy
| [total energy]
| hydrogen bonding energy

Line 170: Line 192:

| time
| [time (steps)]
| potential energy
| [potential energy]
| hydrogen bonding energy
| [acceptance ratio for translational moves]
| acceptance ratio for translational moves
| [acceptance ratio for rotational moves]
| acceptance ratio for rotational moves
| [acceptance ratio for volume moves]
:VMMC output also produces the following extra columns if umbrella sampling is enabled
|[order parameter coordinate 1]
|[order parameter coordinate 1]
|[order parameter coordinate n]
|[current weight]

:Mind that potential, kinetic and total energies are divided by the number of particles whereas the hydrogen bonding energy is not.
:N.B. potential, kinetic and total energies are divided by the total number of particles.

*Configurations are saved in the trajectory file.
*Configurations are saved in the trajectory file.

==Configuration and topology files==
==Configuration and topology files==
The current state of a system, as by oxDNA, is described by two files: a configuration file and a topology file. The configuration file contains all the general informations (timestep, energy and box size) and orientations and positions of each nucleotide. The topology file, on the other hand, keeps track of the backbone-backbone bonds between nucleotides in the same strand. Working configuration and topology files can be found in the <tt>[[Examples|EXAMPLES]]</tt> directory.
The current state of a system, as specified by oxDNA, is described by two files: a configuration file and a topology file. The configuration file contains all the general information (timestep, energy and box size) and the orientations and positions of each nucleotide. The topology file, on the other hand, keeps track of the backbone-backbone bonds between nucleotides in the same strand. Working configuration and topology files can be found in the <tt>[[Examples|EXAMPLES]]</tt> directory.

===Configuration file===
===Configuration file===
Line 195: Line 226:
after this header, each row contains position of the centre of mass, orientation, velocity and angular velocity of a single nucleotide in the following order:
after this header, each row contains position of the centre of mass, orientation, velocity and angular velocity of a single nucleotide in the following order:

<math>\overbrace{r_x r_y r_z}^{\rm Position} \overbrace{b_x b_y b_z}^{\rm Backbone-base versor} \overbrace{n_x n_y n_z}^{\rm Normal versor} \overbrace{v_x v_y v_z}^{\rm Velocity} \overbrace{L_x L_y L_z}^{\rm Angular velocity}</math>
<math>\overbrace{r_x r_y r_z}^{\rm centre-of-mass\,\, position\,\, r} \underbrace{b_x b_y b_z}_{\rm base\,\, vector\,\, a_1} \overbrace{n_x n_y n_z}^{\rm base\,\, normal\,\, vector\,\, a_3} \underbrace{v_x v_y v_z}_{\rm Velocity} \overbrace{L_x L_y L_z}^{\rm Angular\,\, velocity}</math>
<math>a_1</math>, <math>a_2=a_3\times a_1</math> and <math>a_3</math> define a set of axes that allow you to calculate the position of all interaction sites relative to the centre of mass. See ''Geometry of the model'' section below.

===Topology file===
===Topology file===
The topology file stores the intra-strand, fixed bonding topology (i.e. which nucleotides share backbone links). The first row contains the total number of nucleotides <tt>N</tt> and the number of strands <tt>Ns</tt>:
The topology file stores the intra-strand, fixed bonding topology (i.e. which nucleotides share backbone links). The first row contains the total number of nucleotides <tt>N</tt> and the number of strands <tt>Ns</tt>:

N Ns
N Ns

After this header, the <tt>i</tt>-th row specifies strand, base and 3' and 5' neighbors of the <tt>i</tt>-th nucleotide in this way:
After this header, the <tt>i</tt>-th row specifies strand, base and 3' and 5' neighbors of the <tt>i</tt>-th nucleotide in this way:

S B 3' 5'
S B 3' 5'

where S is the number of the strand (starting from 1) which the nucleotide belongs to, B is the base and 3' and 5' specify the index of the nucleotides with which the <tt>i</tt>-th nucleotide is bonded in the 3' and 5' direction, respectively. A <tt>-1</tt> signals that the nucleotide terminates the strand in either 3' or 5' direction. The topology file of a strand of sequence <tt>GCGTTG</tt> would be:
where S is the index of the strand (starting from 1) which the nucleotide belongs to, B is the base and 3' and 5' specify the index of the nucleotides with which the <tt>i</tt>-th nucleotide is bonded in the 3' and 5' direction, respectively. A <tt>-1</tt> signals that the nucleotide terminates the strand in either 3' or 5' direction. The topology file of a strand of sequence <tt>GCGTTG</tt> would be:

Line 236: Line 269:

would generate a double strand with a sequence <tt>AGGGCT</tt> and a single strand with a sequence <tt>CCTGTA</tt>.  
would generate a double strand with a sequence <tt>AGGGCT</tt> and a single strand with a sequence <tt>CCTGTA</tt>. The sequences are given in 3'-5' order.

Positions and orientations of the strands are all chosen at random in such a way that the resulting initial configuration does not contain significant excluded volume interactions between nucleotides belonging to different strands. Generated single- and double-strands have helical conformations (i.e. they are in the minimum of the intra-strand interaction energy).
Positions and orientations of the strands are all chosen at random in such a way that the resulting initial configuration does not contain significant excluded volume interactions between nucleotides belonging to different strands. Generated single- and double-strands have helical conformations (i.e. they are in the minimum of the intra-strand interaction energy).

The output configuration and topology are stored in <tt>generated.dat</tt> and <tt></tt>, respectively.  
The output configuration and topology are stored in <tt>generated.dat</tt> and <tt></tt>, respectively.  
Since this script will initialize nucleotides' velocities and angular velocities to 0, when performing molecular (or Brownian) dynamics simulation remember to put <tt>refresh_vel = 1</tt> in the [[Documentation#Input_file|input]] file.
Since this script will initialize nucleotides' velocities and angular velocities to 0, when performing a molecular (or Brownian) dynamics simulation remember to put <tt>refresh_vel = 1</tt> in the [[Documentation#Input_file|input]] file.

==Analysis of configurations==
==Analysis of configurations==
The configurations produced by oxDNA can be analysed with the <tt>output_bonds</tt> program in <tt>${oxDNA}/UTILS/process_data/</tt> directory. This program takes an input the input file (to recover the temperature and topology file), a configuration/trajectory file and an optional number. Since <tt>output_bonds</tt> reads analyses a single configuration, the optional number selects the configuration which it needs to analyse in the trajectory. Analysing a whole trajectory can be done by looping over a counter.
The configurations produced by oxDNA can be analysed with the <tt></tt> program in <tt>${oxDNA}/UTILS/</tt> directory. This program takes as command line arguments the input file (to recover the temperature and topology file), a configuration/trajectory file and an optional number. Since <tt>output_bonds</tt> reads analyses a single configuration, the optional number selects the configuration which it needs to analyse in the trajectory. Analysing a whole trajectory can be done by looping over a counter.

<tt>output_bonds</tt> can be used as follows:
<tt>output_bonds</tt> can be used as follows:
${oxDNA}/UTILS/process_data/output_bonds <input_file> <trajectory_file> [counter]
${oxDNA}/UTILS/ <input_file> <trajectory_file> [counter]

Line 263: Line 297:
* The excluded volume energy
* The excluded volume energy
* The FENE interaction energy
* The FENE interaction energy
* A letter indicating a status code. This will be <tt>N</tt> for pairs that interact through bonded interactions (i.e. they are neighbors along a strand) and it will be <tt>H</tt> when a base pair is present. Our definition of base pair is when two nucleotides have a hydrogen bonding energy less than 0.1 in simulation units (see [[Publications|Ref. 2]]).
* A letter indicating a status code. This will be <tt>N</tt> for pairs that interact through bonded interactions (i.e. they are neighbors along a strand) and it will be <tt>H</tt> when a base pair is present. Our definition of base pair is when two nucleotides have a hydrogen bonding energy less than -0.1 in simulation units (see [[Publications|Ref. 2]]).

===Geometry of the Model===
===Geometry of the Model===
In the configuration/trajectory files only the positions and orientations of the nucleotides are stored. If one wants to recover the positions of the individual interaction sites in the model, some maths need to be done.
In the configuration/trajectory files only the positions and orientations of the nucleotides are stored. If one wants to recover the positions of the individual interaction sites in the model, some maths need to be done.

The position of the base, stacking and backbone sites can be recovered as follows:
The position of the interaction sites can be recovered as follows:
In oxDNA1:
Hydrogen-bonding/repulsion site within the base <math>=r+0.4\, a_1</math>
Stacking site within the base <math>= r+0.34\,a_1</math>
Backbone repulsion site <math>= r-0.4\, a_1 </math>

base site:     (center) + 0.40 * (axis vector)
In oxDNA2:

stacking site: (center) + 0.34 * (axis vector)
Hydrogen-bonding site within the base <math>= r+0.4\, a_1</math>

backbone site: (center) - 0.40 * (axis_vector)
Stacking site within the base <math>= r+0.34\, a_1</math>

Backbone repulsion site <math>= r-0.34\, a_1+0.3408\, a_2</math>

The picture in the [[Model_introduction|introduction]] might help understanding where the sites are.
The picture in the [[Model_introduction|introduction]] might help understanding where the sites are.

==External Forces==
==External Forces==
Line 292: Line 334:
* repulsion plane
* repulsion plane
* mutual trap
* mutual trap
* repulsive sphere

All forces act on the centre of the particle.
All forces act on the centre of mass of the particles.

Forces of different kinds can be combined in the same simulation. There is a maximum number of 10 external forces per particle for memory reasons. This can be manually overridden recompiling the code with a different value of the macro <tt>MAX_EXT_FORCES</tt> (currently 10) in <tt>defs.h</tt>.
Forces of different kinds can be combined in the same simulation. There is a maximum number of 10 external forces per particle for memory reasons. This can be manually overridden recompiling the code with a different value of the macro <tt>MAX_EXT_FORCES</tt> (currently 10) in <tt>defs.h</tt>.
Line 306: Line 349:
* '''dir''' (3 floats separated by commas) direction of the force (automatically normalised by the code)
* '''dir''' (3 floats separated by commas) direction of the force (automatically normalised by the code)

The following bit of code will create an external force on the first nucleotide in the system starting at 1 simulation units (48.15 pN) and growing linearly with time at the rate of 48.15pN every million time steps. The force will pull the nucleotide along the <tt>z</tt> direction.
The following bit of code will create an external force on the first nucleotide in the system starting at 1 simulation units (48.6 pN) and growing linearly with time at the rate of 48.6pN every million time steps. The force will pull the nucleotide along the <tt>z</tt> direction.

Line 343: Line 386:
Please note that the trap does not comply with periodic boundary conditions. This is most likely what you want.
Please note that the trap does not comply with periodic boundary conditions. This is most likely what you want.

===Rotating harmonic trap===
Same as the harmonic trap, with the exception that the trap position rotates in space with constant angular velocity. Several of these can be used e.g. to twist DNA.
A force of this kind is specified with <tt>type = twist</tt>. The relevant keys are:
* '''particle''' (int) the particle on which to exert the force
* '''pos0''' (3 floats separated by commas) position of the trap when the rotation angle equals 0
* '''stiff''' (float) stiffness of the trap (the force is stiff * dx)
* '''rate''' (float) angular velocity of the trap (length simulation units/time steps)
* '''base''' (float) initial phase of the trap
* '''axis''' (3 floats separated by commas) rotation axis of the trap
* '''mask''' (3 floats separated by commas) masking vector of the trap - the force vector will be element-wise multiplied by the masking vector.
The following is an example input for a rotating trap acting on the first nucleotide forcing it to stay close to a point that starts at <tt>pos0</tt> and then rotates around an axis containing the <tt>center</tt> point and parallel to the z axis. In this case we want to neglect the force component along the z-axis, so we set <tt> mask </tt> accordingly.
type = twist
particle = 0
stiff = 1.00
rate = 1e-5
base = 0.
pos0 = 15, 0.674909093169, 18.6187733563
center = 13., 0.674909093169, 18.6187733563
axis = 0, 0, 1
mask = 1, 1, 0
===Repulsion plane===
===Repulsion plane===
This kind of external force implements a repulsion plane that constrains a particle (or the whole system) to stay on one side of it. It is implemented as a harmonic repulsion, but the stiffness can be made arbitrarily high to mimic a hard repulsion.
This kind of external force implements a repulsion plane that constrains a particle (or the whole system) to stay on one side of it. It is implemented as a harmonic repulsion, but the stiffness can be made arbitrarily high to mimic a hard repulsion.
Line 352: Line 421:
* '''position''' (1 float number) specifies the position of the plane
* '''position''' (1 float number) specifies the position of the plane

If direction is <tt> direction =  u,v,w </tt> , then the plane contains all the points (x,y,z) that satisfy equation: u*x + v*y + w*z + position = 0.
If direction is <tt> direction =  u,v,w </tt> , then the plane contains all the points (x,y,z) that satisfy the equation: u*x + v*y + w*z + position = 0.
Only nucleotides  with coordinates (x,y,z) that satisfy u*x + v*y + w*z + position < 0 will feel the force.
Only nucleotides  with coordinates (x,y,z) that satisfy u*x + v*y + w*z + position < 0 will feel the force.
The force exerted on a nucleotide is equal to stiff * D, where D is the distance of the nucleotide from the plane.
The force exerted on a nucleotide is equal to stiff * D, where D is the distance of the nucleotide from the plane, where <math> D = | ux + vy + wz + \mbox{position}| / \sqrt{u^2 + v^2 + w^2 }.</math>
For nucleotides for which u*x + v*y + w*z + position >= 0, no force will be exerted.
For nucleotides for which u*x + v*y + w*z + position >= 0, no force will be exerted.

Here is an example. This plane acts on the whole system and will not exert any force on nucleotides with a positive <tt>x</tt> coordinate. A force proportional to 96.3pN * (<tt>x</tt> coordinate) will be exerted on all particles .  
Here is an example. This plane acts on the whole system and will not exert any force on nucleotides with a positive <tt>x</tt> coordinate. A force proportional to 48.6 pN * (<tt>x</tt> coordinate) will be exerted on all particles .  

Line 364: Line 433:
#whole system
#whole system
particle = -1
particle = -1
stiff = 1. #96.3 pN in simulation units
stiff = 1. #48.6 pN /(simulation length unit) 
dir = 1, 0, 0
dir = 1, 0, 0
position = 0
position = 0
Line 378: Line 447:
* '''particle''' (int) the particle on which to exert the force.
* '''particle''' (int) the particle on which to exert the force.
* '''ref_particle''' (int) particle to pull towards. Please note that this particle will not feel any force (the name mutual trap is thus misleading).
* '''ref_particle''' (int) particle to pull towards. Please note that this particle will not feel any force (the name mutual trap is thus misleading).
* '''stiff''' (float) stiffness of the trap
* '''stiff''' (float) stiffness of the trap.
* '''r0''' (float) equilibrium distance of the trap.
* '''r0''' (float) equilibrium distance of the trap.
* '''position''' (3 floats separated by commas) one point belonging to the plane.

Here is an example, extracted from the [[Pseudoknot|pseudoknot formation example]]. This will pull particle 14 towards particle 39, favouring an equilibrium distance of 1.4 (which corresponds roughly to the minimum of the hydrogen bonding potential, not a coincidence). The same force with opposite sign is exerted on particle 39 through a separate force. It is not necessary to have both particles feel the force, but it is usually works much better.
Here is an example, extracted from the [[Pseudoknot|pseudoknot formation example]]. This will pull particle 14 towards particle 39, favouring an equilibrium distance of 1.4 (which corresponds roughly to the minimum of the hydrogen bonding potential, not a coincidence). The same force with opposite sign is exerted on particle 39 through a separate force. It is not necessary to have both particles feel the force, but it usually works much better.

Line 401: Line 469:
===Repulsive sphere===
This force encloses particle(s) in a repulsive sphere. The repulsion force is harmonic.
A force of this kind is specified with <tt>type = sphere</tt>. The relevant keys are:
* '''particle''' (int) the particle on which to exert the force.
* '''center''' (float,float,float) the center of the sphere. This key should be specified as three comma-separated numbers (e.g. 0,0,0).
* '''stiff''' (float) stiffness of the trap.
* '''r0''' (float) initial radius of the sphere.
* '''rate''' (float) optional: if not null, the radius of the sphere at time step t will be given by r = r0 + rate * t.

==Visualisation of structures==
==Visualisation of structures==
Line 409: Line 487:
file and it will produce a snapshot.
file and it will produce a snapshot.

Since the model is coearse-grained, we have to "trick" the visualisers into
Since the model is coarse-grained, we have to "trick" the visualisers into
thinking that the interaction sites in the model are actually atoms.
thinking that the interaction sites in the model are actually atoms.
Advanced nucleic acids representations such as ribbons will not work on the
Advanced nucleic acids representations such as ribbons will not work on the
Line 443: Line 521:

<pre>$oxDNA/UTILS/ xyz <trajectory> <topology> </pre>
<pre>$oxDNA/UTILS/ <trajectory> <topology> </pre>

to produce a trajectory/configuration in the pdb format. A further file
to produce a trajectory/configuration in the pdb format. A further file
Line 469: Line 547:

UCSF chimera can in turn export the scene in a variety of formats.
UCSF chimera can in turn export the scene in a variety of formats.
OxDNA configurations and trajectories can now be directly visualized using [ cogli2].
OxDNA configurations and trajectories can now be directly visualized in a browser using [ oxView]. The topology and configuration file simply need to be dragged and dropped into the browser window. OxView can also be used to produce movies of trajectories.

Latest revision as of 11:40, 19 April 2022

Compile options

Compiling oxDNA requires that you have a working cmake software and C++ compiler on your machine. The instructions are provided in the Download and Installation section.


oxDNA input_file

The input file contains all the relevant information for the program to run, such as what initial configuration to use, the topology of the system, how often to print the energies to a file, etc. Please make sure you read the thermostat page if you use molecular dynamics.

Input file

As always in UNIX environments, everything is case sensitive.

  • Options are in the form key = value
  • There can be arbitrary spaces before and after both key and value
  • Line with a leading # will be treated as comments
  • The | (pipe) sign is the separator between the different values that can be used to specify a value for the key.
  • Keys between [ and ] are optional, the value after the equal sign is the default value

Here we provide a list of the most commonly used input options. The complete and most up-to-date list of possible options can be found here or in the README file in the main directory of the simulation code.

The input options of the previous oxDNA version can be found here.

Generic options

The options listed here define the generic behavior of the entire program.

[interaction_type = DNA]
(selects the model for the simulation. DNA (oxDNA model) is the default option. DNA2 (oxDNA2 model), RNA (oxRNA model), LJ (Lennard-Jones) and patchy particles are also implemented
MD = Molecular Dynamics, MC = Monte Carlo, VMMC = Virtual Move Monte Carlo
(only sim_type=MD is supported if you choose CUDA backend)
(mixed option is available only for CUDA backend. It is recommended choice for optimal performance on CUDA machines, double is recommended for CPU simulations)
1 if you want verbose logs, 0 otherwise.

Simulation options

The options listed here specify the behaviour of the simulation.

number of steps to be performed.
0 means that the step counter will start from the value read in the configuration file; if 1, the step counter will be reset to 0. The total duration of the simulation is unchanged.
seed for the random number generator. On Unix systems, it will use by default a number from /dev/urandom + time(NULL)
temperature of the simulation. It can be expressed in simulation units or kelvin (append a k or K after the value) or celsius (append a c or C after the value).
Value Simulation Units
0.1 0.1
300 K 0.1
300k 0.1
26.85c 0.1
26.85 C 0.1
If true, particles that leave the simulation box are brought back in via periodic boundary conditions. Defaults to true.
if a particle moves more than verlet_skin then the lists will be updated. Its name is somewhat misleading: the actual verlet skin is 2*verlet_skin.

whether particles should be brought back into the box when a configuration is printed or not, defaults to false

used if interaction_type = DNA2. It specifies the salt concentration in M.
specifies whether to use the default hard-coded average parameters for base-pairing and stacking interaction strengths or not. If sequence dependence is to be used, set this to 0 and specify seq_dep_file.
specifies the file from which the sequence dependent parameters should be read. Mandatory if use_average_seq=no, ignored otherwise. A sample file is provided (sequence_dependent_parameters.txt).
specifies whether there are external forces acting on the nucleotides or not. If it is set to 1, then a file which specifies the external forces' configuration has to be provided (see external_forces_file).
specifies the file containing all the external forces' configurations. Currently there are six supported force types (see EXAMPLES/TRAPS for some examples):
  • string
  • twist
  • trap
  • repulsion_plane
  • repulsion_plane_moving
  • mutual_trap

Molecular dynamics simulations options

time step of the integration.
no means no thermostat will be used. refresh will refresh all the particle's velocities from a maxwellian every newtonian_steps steps. john is an Anderson-like thermostat (see pt). Make sure you read thermostat.
required if thermostat != no
number of steps after which a procedure of thermalization will be performed.
used if thermostat == john. It's the probability that a particle's velocity will be refreshed during a thermalization procedure.
required if pt is not specified
used internally to automatically compute the pt that would be needed if we wanted such a self diffusion coefficient. Not used if pt is set.

Monte Carlo simulations options

this number times print_energy_every gives the number of steps after which the energy will be computed from scratch and checked against the actual value computed adding energy differences.
if abs((old_energy - new_energy)/old_energy) > check_energy_threshold then the program will die and warn the user.
ensemble of the simulation. More ensembles could be added in future versions.
maximum displacement (per dimension) for translational moves in simulation units.
maximum displacement for rotational moves in simulation units.


The options listed here are used to manage the I/O (read and write configurations, energies and so on)

initial configuration file.
file containing the system's topology.
the main output of the program. All the configurations will be appended to this file as they are printed.
valid only if conf_file is a trajectory. Skip the first confs_to_skip configurations and then load in memory the (confs_to_skip+1)th.
this is the file where the last configuration is saved (when the program finishes or is killed). Set to last_conf.dat by default
path to the file where the last configuration will be printed in binary format, if not specified no binary configurations will be printed.

whether the initial configuration is a binary configuration or not

if 1 the initial velocities will be refreshed from a maxwellian.
energy output file.
this will make the program print the energies every print_energy_every steps.
if 1 the energy will be printed just to the energy_file.
using linear configurations will be saved every print_conf_interval.
using log_lin configurations will be saved logarithmically for print_conf_ppc times. After that the logarithmic sequence will restart.
[print_conf_ppc times]

mandatory only if time_scale == log_line. This is the number of printed configurations in a single logarithmic cycle.

linear interval if time_scale == linear. First step of the logarithmic scale if time_scale == log_lin.
every print_reduced_conf_every steps the program will print out the reduced configurations (i.e. confs containing only the centers of mass of strands).
used if print_reduced_conf_every > 0
output directory for reduced_conf files.
file where generic and debug informations will be logged. If not specified then stderr will be used.
[print_timings = 0]

whether oxDNA should print out to a file performance timings at the end of the simulation or not.

path to the file where timings will be printed
the name of all output files will be preceded by this prefix, defaults to an empty string
[print_input = 0]

make oxDNA write the input key=value pairs used by the simulation in a file named, with pid being the oxDNA pid.

number of equilibration steps. During equilibration, oxDNA does not generate any output. Defaults to 0

Output files

  • The log file contains all the relevant information about the simulation (specified options, activated external forces, warnings about misconfigurations, critical errors, etc.). If the log file is omitted, all this information will be displayed on the standard output.
  • The energy file layout for MD simulations is
[time (steps * dt)] [potential energy] [kinetic energy] [total energy]
while for MC simulations is
[time (steps)] [potential energy] [acceptance ratio for translational moves] [acceptance ratio for rotational moves] [acceptance ratio for volume moves]
VMMC output also produces the following extra columns if umbrella sampling is enabled
[order parameter coordinate 1] [order parameter coordinate 1] ... [order parameter coordinate n] [current weight]
N.B. potential, kinetic and total energies are divided by the total number of particles.
  • Configurations are saved in the trajectory file.

Configuration and topology files

The current state of a system, as specified by oxDNA, is described by two files: a configuration file and a topology file. The configuration file contains all the general information (timestep, energy and box size) and the orientations and positions of each nucleotide. The topology file, on the other hand, keeps track of the backbone-backbone bonds between nucleotides in the same strand. Working configuration and topology files can be found in the EXAMPLES directory.

Configuration file

The first three rows of a configuration file contain the timestep T at which the configuration has been printed, the length of the box sides Lx, Ly and Lz and the total, potential and kinetic energies, Etot, U and K, respectively:

t = T
b = Lz Ly Lz
E = Etot U K

after this header, each row contains position of the centre of mass, orientation, velocity and angular velocity of a single nucleotide in the following order:

, and define a set of axes that allow you to calculate the position of all interaction sites relative to the centre of mass. See Geometry of the model section below.

Topology file

The topology file stores the intra-strand, fixed bonding topology (i.e. which nucleotides share backbone links). The first row contains the total number of nucleotides N and the number of strands Ns:

N Ns

After this header, the i-th row specifies strand, base and 3' and 5' neighbors of the i-th nucleotide in this way:

S B 3' 5'

where S is the index of the strand (starting from 1) which the nucleotide belongs to, B is the base and 3' and 5' specify the index of the nucleotides with which the i-th nucleotide is bonded in the 3' and 5' direction, respectively. A -1 signals that the nucleotide terminates the strand in either 3' or 5' direction. The topology file of a strand of sequence GCGTTG would be:

6 1
1 G -1 1
1 C 0 2
1 G 1 3
1 T 2 4
1 T 3 5
1 G 4 -1

Specifying the topology in this way can simplify the process of simulating, for example, circular DNA.

Generation of initial configurations

In order to generate initial configuration and topology files, we provide the ${oxDNA}/UTILS/ script. The usage of the script is <box side> <file with sequence>

where <box side> specifies the length of the box side in simulation units and <file with sequence> contains the sequence of the strands to be generated, one row per strand. If double strands are needed, each sequence must be preceded by DOUBLE. For example, a file containing


would generate a double strand with a sequence AGGGCT and a single strand with a sequence CCTGTA. The sequences are given in 3'-5' order.

Positions and orientations of the strands are all chosen at random in such a way that the resulting initial configuration does not contain significant excluded volume interactions between nucleotides belonging to different strands. Generated single- and double-strands have helical conformations (i.e. they are in the minimum of the intra-strand interaction energy).

The output configuration and topology are stored in generated.dat and, respectively. Since this script will initialize nucleotides' velocities and angular velocities to 0, when performing a molecular (or Brownian) dynamics simulation remember to put refresh_vel = 1 in the input file.

Analysis of configurations

The configurations produced by oxDNA can be analysed with the program in ${oxDNA}/UTILS/ directory. This program takes as command line arguments the input file (to recover the temperature and topology file), a configuration/trajectory file and an optional number. Since output_bonds reads analyses a single configuration, the optional number selects the configuration which it needs to analyse in the trajectory. Analysing a whole trajectory can be done by looping over a counter.

output_bonds can be used as follows:

${oxDNA}/UTILS/ <input_file> <trajectory_file> [counter]

The program outputs some debugging information to the standard error and information regarding the interaction energies to the standard output. The contributions arising from each of the terms in the potential (see the appendix of Ref. 2) are reported for each pair of nucleotides that have non-zero total interactions.

This output can be easily parsed to analyse the configurations.

For each pair of nucleotides that do interact in the configuration, the program prints out a line containing:

  • The id of the two particles (starting from 0)
  • The total interaction energy
  • The hydrogen bonding (base pairing) energy
  • The stacking energy
  • The cross stacking energy
  • The excluded volume energy
  • The FENE interaction energy
  • A letter indicating a status code. This will be N for pairs that interact through bonded interactions (i.e. they are neighbors along a strand) and it will be H when a base pair is present. Our definition of base pair is when two nucleotides have a hydrogen bonding energy less than -0.1 in simulation units (see Ref. 2).

Geometry of the Model

In the configuration/trajectory files only the positions and orientations of the nucleotides are stored. If one wants to recover the positions of the individual interaction sites in the model, some maths need to be done.

The position of the interaction sites can be recovered as follows:

In oxDNA1:

Hydrogen-bonding/repulsion site within the base

Stacking site within the base

Backbone repulsion site

In oxDNA2:

Hydrogen-bonding site within the base

Stacking site within the base

Backbone repulsion site

The picture in the introduction might help understanding where the sites are.

External Forces

The code implements several types of external forces that can be imposed on the system that can be used either to simulate tension exerted on DNA or simply to accelerate the formation of secondary or tertiary structure. External forces can be tricky to treat, especially in a dynamics simulation, since they are an external source of work. Care should be taken in adjusting the time step, thermostat parameters and such.

To enable external forces, one needs to specify external_forces = 1 in the input file and also supply an external force file to read from with the key external_forces_file = <file>.

The syntax of the external forces file is quite simple. Examples of such files can be found in the hairpin formation and Pseudoknot formation examples. Each force is specified within a block contained in curly brackets. Empty lines and lines beginning with an hash symbol (#) are ignored. Different forces require different keys to be present. If the file has the wrong syntax, oxDNA should spit out a sensible error message while parsing the file.

The different types of forces implemented at the moment are:

  • harmonic trap
  • string
  • repulsion plane
  • mutual trap
  • repulsive sphere

All forces act on the centre of mass of the particles.

Forces of different kinds can be combined in the same simulation. There is a maximum number of 10 external forces per particle for memory reasons. This can be manually overridden recompiling the code with a different value of the macro MAX_EXT_FORCES (currently 10) in defs.h.


A string is implemented as a force that does not depend on the particle position. Its value can be constant or can change linearly with time. It is useful as it does not fluctuate with time.

A force of this kind is specified with type = string. The relevant keys are:

  • particle (int) the particle on which to exert the force
  • F0 (float) the value of the force at time = 0 in simulation units (please note that the value of the time may or may not be reset when starting a simulation, depending on the input file)
  • rate (float) growing rate of the force (simulation units/time steps). Typical values are very small (< 10^(-5))
  • dir (3 floats separated by commas) direction of the force (automatically normalised by the code)

The following bit of code will create an external force on the first nucleotide in the system starting at 1 simulation units (48.6 pN) and growing linearly with time at the rate of 48.6pN every million time steps. The force will pull the nucleotide along the z direction.

type = string
particle = 0
F0 = 1.
rate = 1e-6
dir = 0., 0., 1.

Harmonic trap

This type of force implements an harmonic trap, of arbitrary stiffness, that can move linearly with time. It can be useful to fix the position of the nucleotides to simulate attachment to something or to implement (quasi) constant extension simulations.

A force of this kind is specified with type = trap. The relevant keys are:

  • particle (int) the particle on which to exert the force
  • pos0 (3 floats separated by commas) rest position of the trap
  • stiff (float) stiffness of the trap (the force is stiff * dx)
  • rate (float) speed of the trap (length simulation units/time steps)
  • dir (3 floats separated by commas) direction of movement of the trap

Here is an example input for a harmonic trap acting on the third nucleotide constraining it to stay close to the origin. In this example the trap does not move (rate=0), but one could have it move at a constant speed along the direction specified by dir, in this case the x direction.

type = trap
particle = 2
pos0 = 0., 0., 0.
stiff = 1.0
rate = 0.
dir = 1.,0.,0.

Please note that the trap does not comply with periodic boundary conditions. This is most likely what you want.

Rotating harmonic trap

Same as the harmonic trap, with the exception that the trap position rotates in space with constant angular velocity. Several of these can be used e.g. to twist DNA.

A force of this kind is specified with type = twist. The relevant keys are:

  • particle (int) the particle on which to exert the force
  • pos0 (3 floats separated by commas) position of the trap when the rotation angle equals 0
  • stiff (float) stiffness of the trap (the force is stiff * dx)
  • rate (float) angular velocity of the trap (length simulation units/time steps)
  • base (float) initial phase of the trap
  • axis (3 floats separated by commas) rotation axis of the trap
  • mask (3 floats separated by commas) masking vector of the trap - the force vector will be element-wise multiplied by the masking vector.

The following is an example input for a rotating trap acting on the first nucleotide forcing it to stay close to a point that starts at pos0 and then rotates around an axis containing the center point and parallel to the z axis. In this case we want to neglect the force component along the z-axis, so we set mask accordingly.

type = twist
particle = 0
stiff = 1.00
rate = 1e-5
base = 0.
pos0 = 15, 0.674909093169, 18.6187733563
center = 13., 0.674909093169, 18.6187733563
axis = 0, 0, 1
mask = 1, 1, 0

Repulsion plane

This kind of external force implements a repulsion plane that constrains a particle (or the whole system) to stay on one side of it. It is implemented as a harmonic repulsion, but the stiffness can be made arbitrarily high to mimic a hard repulsion.

A force of this kind is specified with type = repulsion_plane. The relevant keys are:

  • particle (int) the particle on which to exert the force. If set to the special value -1, the force will be exerted on all particles.
  • stiff (float) stiffness of the trap (the force is stiff * D, where D is distance from the plane. The force is exerted only if the nucleotide is below the plane)
  • dir (3 floats separated by commas) a direction normal to the plane
  • position (1 float number) specifies the position of the plane

If direction is direction = u,v,w , then the plane contains all the points (x,y,z) that satisfy the equation: u*x + v*y + w*z + position = 0. Only nucleotides with coordinates (x,y,z) that satisfy u*x + v*y + w*z + position < 0 will feel the force. The force exerted on a nucleotide is equal to stiff * D, where D is the distance of the nucleotide from the plane, where For nucleotides for which u*x + v*y + w*z + position >= 0, no force will be exerted.

Here is an example. This plane acts on the whole system and will not exert any force on nucleotides with a positive x coordinate. A force proportional to 48.6 pN * (x coordinate) will be exerted on all particles .

type = repulsion_plane
#whole system
particle = -1
stiff = 1. #48.6 pN /(simulation length unit)  
dir = 1, 0, 0
position = 0

If in the above example you would specify position = 3, then the force would be exerted on all nucleotides with coordinate x > -3.

Mutual trap

This force is useful to form initial configurations. It is a harmonic force that at every moment pulls a particle towards a reference particle. It is possible to specify the separation at which the force will be 0.

A force of this kind is specified with type = mutual_trap. The relevant keys are:

  • particle (int) the particle on which to exert the force.
  • ref_particle (int) particle to pull towards. Please note that this particle will not feel any force (the name mutual trap is thus misleading).
  • stiff (float) stiffness of the trap.
  • r0 (float) equilibrium distance of the trap.

Here is an example, extracted from the pseudoknot formation example. This will pull particle 14 towards particle 39, favouring an equilibrium distance of 1.4 (which corresponds roughly to the minimum of the hydrogen bonding potential, not a coincidence). The same force with opposite sign is exerted on particle 39 through a separate force. It is not necessary to have both particles feel the force, but it usually works much better.

type = mutual_trap
particle = 14
ref_particle = 39
stiff = 1.
r0 = 1.2

type = mutual_trap
particle = 39
ref_particle = 14
stiff = 1.
r0 = 1.2

Repulsive sphere

This force encloses particle(s) in a repulsive sphere. The repulsion force is harmonic.

A force of this kind is specified with type = sphere. The relevant keys are:

  • particle (int) the particle on which to exert the force.
  • center (float,float,float) the center of the sphere. This key should be specified as three comma-separated numbers (e.g. 0,0,0).
  • stiff (float) stiffness of the trap.
  • r0 (float) initial radius of the sphere.
  • rate (float) optional: if not null, the radius of the sphere at time step t will be given by r = r0 + rate * t.

Visualisation of structures

oxDNA produces a trajectory file where all the relevant information is stored. A converter is provided ( in the UTILS directory that is able to produce files in the xyz and pdb formats. The same program can be used on a configuration file and it will produce a snapshot.

Since the model is coarse-grained, we have to "trick" the visualisers into thinking that the interaction sites in the model are actually atoms. Advanced nucleic acids representations such as ribbons will not work on the outputs.

All the images in the Screenshots page were produced with the pdb representation using UCSF chimera (see later on).

xyz format

just run

$oxDNA/UTILS/ xyz <trajectory> <topology> 

(where $oxDNA is the oxDNA source directory) to get the xyz representation in a file called the same as the trajectory file with .xyz appended. Please note that boundary conditions are implemented strand-wise, so strands that are bound might appear at two different sizes of the box. Also, the center of mass of the system (where each strand is weighted the same regardless of the length) is set to 0 at each frame. Carbons represent the backbone sites and oxygens the base sites.

The resulting file can be read with a variety of programs. Here we will explain how to visualise it sensibly in VMD.

  • Run VMD and load the xyz file.
  • In the graphics menu, go to Representations.
  • In the Selected Atoms line, input name C. Also select Drawing method CPK, sphere scale 0.8 and Bond Radius 0.
  • In the Selected Atoms line, input name O. Also select Drawing method CPK, sphere scale 0.6 and Bond Radius 0.

This should produce a ball representation of our model DNA. Bonds automatically produced by VMD are NOT meaningful in our context.

pdb format


$oxDNA/UTILS/ <trajectory> <topology> 

to produce a trajectory/configuration in the pdb format. A further file called will be produced (more on this later). All comments above about periodic boundaries and centre of mass apply here as well.

The pdb file can be visualised in VMD just like the xyz format, but a nicer output can be produced with UCSF Chimera (although only for snapshots at the moment) as follows:

Run chimera and load the pdb file. An ugly output will be displayed.

Bring up the command line under the Tools → General Controls menu. Input read in the command line and press enter. You should get a nicer visualisation with different bases in different colors, all the covalent bonds in the right place, etc.

On large configurations, the production of ellipsoids will be extremely slow. You can remove it by removing the line

aniso scale 0.75 smoothing 4

from the commands file. Loading the resulting file should be much faster.

UCSF chimera can in turn export the scene in a variety of formats.


OxDNA configurations and trajectories can now be directly visualized using cogli2.


OxDNA configurations and trajectories can now be directly visualized in a browser using oxView. The topology and configuration file simply need to be dragged and dropped into the browser window. OxView can also be used to produce movies of trajectories.